Flowers and Decorations

A bouquet of red and white roses

From a bride's diary…

I decided without a doubt. My bouquet will be red and white. Tired of the usual bouquet cream, white and faded, I want something colorful, maybe even a little’ orange. I found a site very well stocked, where you can find all the information about Flowers, seasons, fashion colors, and many tips for wedding flowers.

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The bouquet will have to take back the colors of the flowers that will put in your hair. In the bouquet I want red and white roses mixed, a round bouquet and sober. But I'd also put the mist, if it is only of red roses, so to break, or lilies and white tulips, or even orange, between the white and red roses.

Bridal bouquet ...

I know that the red color is more suitable for a winter wedding, and I had decided to get married in December, Then I moved to March in the spring, but now I have fixed on the red and white bouquet, and what I want.

Anyways these below are the models that I like very much.

About the author


I live in the countryside with my family, dogs, roosters and hens. I have a degree in Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures and I teach English and German. I am canine breeder, I love dogs, especially Great Danes, I breed. Besides this I love cooking, il cake design, books, humanities, DIY, it-yourself, hobbies paper, the miniature, the decoration and furnishing of the house and everything that is creative.

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