Marriage Renaissance

The Woman in the Renaissance

Once married, the wife had the task of procreation, remaining faithful to her husband clearly, had to watch over the family and, in the absence of a spouse, manage the house. Confining, but, functions housekeeper, since only the husband had the right to administer the family assets.

In theory, the bride had no right to ask her husband as impiegasse the time not spent with her, nor had to know where these activities take place, much less could meddle of its business. As in the past, in addition to, had no right to leave the house unaccompanied, and could only look out from the balcony, but always maintaining a dignified and serious, so that the neighbors could not think evil.

He did not even wear makeup with any type of cosmetic, because this was evidence of malpractice and could attract “hunters skirts”. These were the directives of the time, which did not provide any type of distraction, except maybe some festive family occasionally (weddings or baptisms). Clearly these directives were referring to an ideal, that was not necessarily applied to the rule. And’ indeed easy to deduce, that the costumes, in practice, were very different. Some historical records tell us, indeed, of women who took care of the affairs of her husband, or who spent hours chatting with their friends from the balcony, or, wives quietly rouged. In fact the condition of women in the fifteenth century changed very, compared to previous periods, and did not stop to evolve, towards greater liberalization of women in society Italian. Not that women still remain confined in the family home, but there was a gradual improvement in the status of women, although the freest were still courtesans.

Scene from the movie” The legend of a love” (Cinderella – set right in the Renaissance period)

Public life

Then there was an increase of marriages for love, and a greater appreciation of the female figure in art, What probably due to a more assiduous participation of women in social. In this period, indeed, knurled poetess, of which the Italian literature of the sixteenth century is proud.

While remaining politically, and economically, still strongly subject to men, spread a model of social pro-women (for women), thanks to the spread of the courts, that gradually influenced the lives Italian. The woman was always, mainly, a source of pleasure for man, but the ladies Renaissance began to understand what were the many freedoms of men, and walked in a slow process, but progressive, extension of their social function.

They Are, indeed, This period also some tedious dissertations on gender equality, we demonstrate how something had begun to move, and as it was approaching the need to reconsider the concept of woman, and its place in society.


About the author


I live in the countryside with my family, dogs, roosters and hens. I have a degree in Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures and I teach English and German. I am canine breeder, I love dogs, especially Great Danes, I breed. Besides this I love cooking, il cake design, books, humanities, DIY, it-yourself, hobbies paper, the miniature, the decoration and furnishing of the house and everything that is creative.

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