Nature and Animals

The child and the animals

The early childhood world is populated of all kinds of animals. Newborn give him the stuffed animals: the bunny or quell'orsacchiotto that will accompany him throughout childhood.

In his bath, from the first months of life, plays with duck or fish.
The first picture books contain animal figures, that he looks forward with and requires continuous that will tell the story, you imitate the verses, that he himself repeats. In the country, try a great interest in everything that moves, from the horse ant, from chickens to cows. No animal scares.

The you can be told over and over again, without being tired, The "History of the Three Little Pigs," or that of "big bad wolf". The cruelty of the wolf does not mind, basically loves what he does a little 'fear.

There comes a day when the child asks for an animal, a real one, to play with him.

E’ giusto concederglielo? 'Better to reject it?

Parents are often embarrassed. Here is some information that maybe will help you decide. As for the benefits, possession of an animal develops in the small sense of responsibility and duty, since it will be he who will have to deal with the animal under his care. Although at first it will hurt, and even if the goldfish will die of indigestion for being supernutrito. The child has learned and the next fish will live longer.

The dog is the faithful friend, the confidant, the comforter, always present. And the playmate from which you can expect to be obeyed (exquisite taste of power, for a child).

All this should not lead us to believe that an animal can replace a brother or sister.

I say, because there are many parents who think, really, giving a dog the child, to keep quiet and to satisfy his need for companionship.

A brother or sister is much more of a presence: I am dialogue, competitiveness, the experience of life in the midst of others.

You have decided to give an animal to your child. Which one to choose? Whether it's a goldfish, of a parrot, a hamster or a dog, it is important that the child is involved in the selection.

What is the opinion of the pediatrician?

Usually the pediatrician is permissive; almost always it is of the opinion that animals are not, more than men, carriers of microbes and, on the contrary, an animal can be beneficial to a child, trasmettendole toxoplasmosis, infection, after passing, immunizes and protects the woman from pregnancy risk of a first infection. (As is known toxoplasmosis contracted by the pregnant woman is dangerous for the unborn).

As for the cat, keep in mind the possibility of 'from cat scratch disease ".

These potential risks of infection are not so serious.

It is still essential to put a limit to existing contact and intimacy between the child and her pet: to avoid, for example, that the cat is in bed with the child or the dog give affectionate lick your baby.

In Addition To, the animal will be vaccinated (both the dog, is the cat, against rabies and hepatitis).

We often talk of allergy to hair of the dog cat. This type of allergy is rare in children. Then, if indeed the existence of an allergic condition is demonstrated, imposes the animal has left the.

You do not ever think that a dog can hurt the baby, shaking or pushing; mostly the animal is very respectful and considerate towards the small.

A particular risk for which we recommend great caution and attention: a dog that lives with the family for some time may be shocked by the birth of a child and his presence in the house and be jealous. In this case we must train the dog to accept the child (and he will surely) not making him never miss cuddling and making him understand that, even if a child has arrived, things will not change for him, on the contrary, You will have fun with him.

About the author


I live in the countryside with my family, dogs, roosters and hens. I have a degree in Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures and I teach English and German. I am canine breeder, I love dogs, especially Great Danes, I breed. Besides this I love cooking, il cake design, books, humanities, DIY, it-yourself, hobbies paper, the miniature, the decoration and furnishing of the house and everything that is creative.

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