家居装饰 破旧的别致



破旧的别致 是一种风格, 不是时尚, and it reflects a timeless and vintage quality that draws on so many sources and inspirations. The shabby chic home is light and airy, 热情好客, 而富有品质的项目,你要摸, to hold and to enjoy. The beauty of shabby chic is that there are no rules: you can’t just go out and buy your way to shabby chic. It is a collection of much loved, 并经常使用的很多, 他们的风格和设计,以及 - 具有不仅仅是一个功能这么多项目.


风格从起源 英国, 结合维多利亚时代的花印, polka dot spotty tea sets and bright colourful melamine and Bakelite objects from the 1950s. But it also is influenced by French country style, the clean lines Swedish interior design and simple form and functionality of the American Shaker style. Colours are pastel shades, 或明亮与大胆的红色, 通常被设置在白色, 奶油或白布背景, 条纹, 图案和点.

破旧的别致 结合了新与旧的 - 因为你是在一个昂贵的商店,你同样可能在你的面前老奶奶的房间找到一个破旧的别致项目, 但风格是什么,但寒酸: 它是新鲜的, aspirational and timeless. It is bunting fluttering gently in the breeze as you sip a cool drink from a patterned beaker or enjoy a cup of tea from a spotty cup and saucer, watching the clouds scudding by high in the blue sky. It is baking in the kitchen, surrounded by an eclectic mix plates and mugs and nik -naks. But above all it is a fun collection of beautiful things, 一些老, 一些新的,但所有明亮而多彩, 和所有喜爱.




我和家人住在乡下, 小狗, 公鸡和母鸡. 我拥有外国语言和文学学位,并且教授英语和德语. 我饲养员犬, 我喜欢狗, 特别是大丹犬, 我养. 除了这个我喜欢做饭, 蛋糕设计, 书籍, 人文, DIY, 自己动手, 本文爱好, 缩影, 装修房子的家具和所有这些都是创意.

1 评论

  • Bonjour, je suis intéressée par le premier lit en haut de votre page du style stabby chic.
    Savez vous ou je peux me procurer un lit dans se style (lien commercial etc).

    Bien à vous

    Eva JUANES
