Home Decor Shabby Chic

Ideas for Shabby Chic coffee tables made with recycled materials DIY

Are you looking for a coffee table for your living room in Shabby Chic style?

OK, there are two solutions, either you buy it or you opt for DIY, which surely is the most long and tiring to do, but it is even the path that might lead you to create something unique, but especially yours.

There is nothing more satisfying to create something unique reusing old materials, whose fate would otherwise have been the dumpster. On the net you will find many imaginative ideas to which you could take a cue for the realization of your coffee table. Take a little time and diligence and choose the solution you like.

And don’t forget: try it, try it and try it! Here are the prettiest and most extravagant:  

Coffee table made from old shutters

Pallets as a coffee table

Coffee table made with fruit boxes

Coffee table made of old suitcase

Coffee table made with windows

About the author


Vivo in campagna con la mia famiglia, cani, galli e galline. Sono laureata in Lingue e Letterature Straniere e insegno inglese e tedesco. Sono allevatrice cinofila, amo i cani, soprattutto gli alani, che allevo. Oltre questo adoro cucinare, il cake design, i libri, le scienze umanistiche, il fai da te, il bricolage, gli hobby di carta, le miniature, la decorazione e l'arredamento della casa e tutto ciò che è creativo.

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