Outlines Kitchen

Yorkshire Pudding

I make it very often. When I cooked for the first time, I was very skeptical, but then I realized that it is very good. It 'a traditional English dish very simple to prepare. It is used in the British Sunday lunch as an accompaniment to roast beef and holiday periods. By the time I learned to do it in different variants, but the next one is the one I like best, and can be combined with many types of dish.


  • 2 eggs
  • 110 g white flour
  • 1 glass of milk (better integer)
  • 1 further
  • 15 g butter
  • sale


In a saucepan put to heat the butter with the leek cut into rings. Fry until it imbrunito. Turn off and set aside. Meanwhile heat the oven 210 °. In a bowl beat the eggs with the salt and alternate the milk and flour until dough is enough liquid. Throw in the leeks and stir fried yet. Take a round baking pan with small diameter, type 20 cm, butter it and pour in the mixture (openable or not, is the same). You can also put the dough into individual molds and do many small portions like muffins or cupcakes, but I prefer pie. Place in the oven without opening ever. In un d'now the fourth 20 minutes should swell and cook.

E 'tipo blown. Is removed from the oven and pie on a plate and served sliced ​​hot and swollen. Past 5 minutes you will deflating.

You can serve alongside the classic Roast Beef or simply beef grilled or stewed with the sauce cooking. And how else would opt for a nice side dish mixed salad and / or peas and carrots.

Bon Appetite!

About the author


I live in the countryside with my family, dogs, roosters and hens. I have a degree in Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures and I teach English and German. I am canine breeder, I love dogs, especially Great Danes, I breed. Besides this I love cooking, il cake design, books, humanities, DIY, it-yourself, hobbies paper, the miniature, the decoration and furnishing of the house and everything that is creative.

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