
The documents required for getting married

Preliminary documents for marriage:

  • Identification documents.
  • Extracted summary of the birth certificate to use contextual and marriage certificate stamp containing residence, citizenship and free state.
  • Certificate of civil consent to the marriage: this certificate, It is released after being presented in common, by appointment with the Registrar of, equipped with all necessary documents and accompanied by two witnesses (not necessarily those chosen for the official ceremony, and parents, They must swear about the lack of blood ties between the spouses.
  • For divorced: true copy of the previous marriage completed by the record of the judgment annulling.
  • Per i vedovi: true copy of the death of the previous spouse (released, of certified authorization of the Public Prosecutor, by the court of the death Municipality)
  • For marriage with and among minors (that, anyhow, have reached 16 year old): you need the authorization order of the Juvenile Court.
  • For the bride and groom who must legitimize children born from their marriage “husband and wife”: is necessary for this purpose of the delivery of the extract of birth of the child provided the generality.
  • For marriage with or between foreigners: to marry a citizen of the European Union shall be required clearance or double capacity certificate, on request, from the Consulate or Embassy in their country of origin.
  • In the case of foreign citizens from outside the European Community, the signature of the Consul or Ambassador, It must be authenticated by the competent Prefecture. If the foreign national residing in Italy, It will also present the certificate “free State” and of “residenza” on stamped paper.

Legal requirements for marriage:

  • Having completed 18 years of age for both; this age can be lowered to 16 years by decree of the Court of Minors provided that the court is satisfied the psychological maturity of the child and who have encountered serious reasons.
  • Sanity why the interdict to infirmity of mind can not marry.
  • The freedom of “status” that is, the lack of a constraint arising from a previous marriage that has civil effects.
  • The non-existence of a family relationship or affinity between the spouses.
  • Marriage is prohibited between, who was convicted of consummated or attempted murder, and the spouse of the person offended by the crime itself.
  • The woman must wait at least 300 days of the dissolution or annulment or termination of the civil effects of the previous marriage. will not have to wait that period if:
    • the marriage was declared invalid for impotence of one spouse,
    • when the marriage is not consummated
    • or when the breakup came after three years of effective separation.

Step by step

  • Both spouses, Once the final date decided (at least two months before the wedding), They must go to the municipality of residence of both (or at a Circumscription of one of the two) to sign, with a signature, the self-certification document itself all their personal data (identity, birth, residence etc ...) and then request the next appointment for c.d. “Promise of marriage” (or oath).
  • The bride and groom take appointment directly with the common for the swearing and marriage banns.
  • On the day of the oath the bride and groom, the witness and the parent will travel with the Office Marriage equipped with all the required documents valid, the valid identity documents, a module can be purchased at the district's cashier whose price varies depending on the type of wedding (religious, civil, celebrated outside the constituency), a form issued by the parish of belonging in the case of a religious marriage, 1 stamp from Euro 11,00 and 1 Municipal by brand 70,00 cents for “declaration of non - inbreeding”.
  • Made an oath, the bride and groom, In presence of 2 witnesses (not necessarily those chosen for the day of the marriage rite), will finally sign the request of the Publications, that will remain posted in the Municipal House for at least 8 consecutive days including the 2 following Sundays and 3 deposit gg, so that, making public precisely the will of the two people who intend to contract a valid marriage, anyone with an interest in challenging that celebration, can do so in a timely fashion.
  • Then you can make an appointment for the actual rite, for the wedding day, both for civil marriage (that occurs is usually at the council tables) for that concordat (in the Catholic Church) and for that of other faith.



About the author


I live in the countryside with my family, dogs, roosters and hens. I have a degree in Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures and I teach English and German. I am canine breeder, I love dogs, especially Great Danes, I breed. Besides this I love cooking, il cake design, books, humanities, DIY, it-yourself, hobbies paper, the miniature, the decoration and furnishing of the house and everything that is creative.

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